Marbury v. Madison (1803)

April 17, 2024 USGOPO 0

First Exercise of Judicial Review.  On this day in 1803, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling in Marbury v. Madison.  It is perhaps the most […]

Women Suffrage

April 16, 2024 USGOPO 0

FRQ #3, SCOTUS Comparison.   Virginia Minor, a leader in the Missouri women’s suffrage movement, tried to register to vote in Missouri in 1872 as […]

White House Correspondents Dinner

April 11, 2024 USGOPO 0

A President Impersonated. Presidents made annual appearances, sustaining light-hearted insults, and deliver a few of their own at the White House Correspondence Dinner. Billed as […]

Presidency FRQ

April 10, 2024 USGOPO 0

FRQ #1, Concept Application. The following is an excerpt from a presidential memoir:   (A) Describe presidential authority and procedure in the context of the […]