Dark Horse Candidate

July 4, 2024 USGOPO 0

More horse-race campaign jargon. “A candidate nominated after multiple ballots at a political party’s nominating convention. During the first few ballots at the 1844 convention a […]

The Broken Senate

July 4, 2024 USGOPO 0

Deadlock, dysfunction and political games. Known as the world’s most deliberative body, the U.S. Senate is a place of compromise, yet it’s tough to accomplish […]

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AMSCO and OpenStax

July 4, 2024 USGOPO 0

AMSCO has Partnered with OpenStax For any AP Gov teachers using, or considering using, the AMSCO AP Government and Politics book from Perfection Learning, consider […]

The Race Beat

July 4, 2024 USGOPO 0

A Book Review. The press’s finest hour, according to authors Gene Roberts and Hank Klibanoff, occurred during the civil rights movement when reporters exposed the […]

Supreme Court Opinions

July 4, 2024 USGOPO 0

Multiple Choice Questions. Questions 1 and 2 refer to the graphic above.    1. Which of the following reflects the data in the above bar […]