Interest Group Ads

November 28, 2023 USGOPO 0

The Power of Campaign Commercials. One of the most powerful techniques that interest groups use to educate the public and influence voters is campaign commercials. […]

Election Day Rule

November 7, 2023 USGOPO 0

FRQ #3, SCOTUS Comparison.   A Minnesota law prohibited voters from wearing any “political”apparel, as defined by election officials, at or around polling places on […]

Presidential Campaign

October 27, 2023 USGOPO 0

FRQ #1, Concept Application.   Read the following 2016 news report and answer the questions that follow. “Donald Trump has the delegates to clinch the […]

Parties & Democracy

October 16, 2023 USGOPO 0

FRQ #4, Argument Essay.   Develop an argument as to whether or not political parties enhance democracy in the United States.  Use at least one […]