Congressional Caucus

December 14, 2023 USGOPO 0

An Organizing Tool of Congress. A congressional caucus is a group of members of Congress who come together to pursue common legislative goals. These groups […]

Models of Representation

December 13, 2023 USGOPO 0

Trustee, Delegate, Politico, or Partisan? Models of representation generally refer to the ways in which elected leaders behave in a democracy. Generally, there are four […]

Filibuster and the Senate

December 12, 2023 USGOPO 0

Endless Debate. The United States Senate serves as the cooling saucer of our democracy, to avoid rash decisions and to slow the political process down. […]

Amicus Curiae

November 21, 2023 USGOPO 0

Friend of the Court. Not all actions taken by interests groups revolve around campaign contributions or wealthy donors. In fact, most of the work of […]

Elections: Frontloading

October 30, 2023 USGOPO 0

The race to be the first state. Frontloading is a political phenomenon in American politics. Frontloading involves individual states moving their primary or caucus day […]