Incumbency Advantage

January 10, 2024 USGOPO 0

FRQ #2, Quantitative Analysis.   The bar graph above shows reelection rates for members of the House and Senate. Based on the bar graph and […]


January 8, 2024 USGOPO 0

The Art of Drawing Districts. Gerrymandering is one of the most hotly debated topics in American politics. North Carolina, Maryland, Ohio, and Wisconsin in recent […]

Super PACs: Stewart & Colbert

November 20, 2023 USGOPO 0

Super PACs and Political Parody. Super PACs were made possible by the Citizens United decision. Super PACs  may not make contributions to candidate campaigns or parties, […]

Federalist #68

November 9, 2023 USGOPO 0

Why the Electoral College? The Electoral College was designed as a mechanism to elect the President of the United States. While the founders arrived at […]

Campaigns and Elections

November 8, 2023 USGOPO 0

Multiple-Choice Questions. To assess your knowledge and skills in government and politics answer these sample multiple-choice questions. The correct answers will appear below the questions. […]