Election Day Rule

November 7, 2023 USGOPO 0

FRQ #3, SCOTUS Comparison.   A Minnesota law prohibited voters from wearing any “political”apparel, as defined by election officials, at or around polling places on […]

National Popular Vote

November 6, 2023 USGOPO 0

A way to circumvent the Constitution? Abolishing the Electoral College would require an amendment to the Constitution. Constitutional Amendments are extremely rare and very difficulty […]

Federal Elections Commission

November 2, 2023 USGOPO 0

The agency tracks contributions and spending. What is the Federal elections Commission?  Here’s the definition from the agency’s website: In 1975, Congress created the Federal […]

What Happened

October 31, 2023 USGOPO 0

Hillary Clinton’s Memoir. 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s book, What Happened, recounts her uncomfortable moments in the debates.   Questions for Completion 1.  How […]