Citizens United Cartoon

May 8, 2024 USGOPO 0

Political Cartoon. The Citizens United ruling was a landmark decision on American politics. It transformed the power of parties, candidates, and corporations and union. In […]

Interest Groups & Media

December 9, 2023 USGOPO 0

Multiple Choice. Here are some of the scenario-style questions meant to replicate real-life situations in government and politics:   1. Which of the following is […]

Congress and Lobbyists

November 30, 2023 USGOPO 0

All in the Family. The word “lobbyist” has a negative connotation in American politics. A lobbyist is simply a professional persuader who tries to get […]

Interest Group Ads

November 28, 2023 USGOPO 0

The Power of Campaign Commercials. One of the most powerful techniques that interest groups use to educate the public and influence voters is campaign commercials. […]

Amicus Curiae

November 21, 2023 USGOPO 0

Friend of the Court. Not all actions taken by interests groups revolve around campaign contributions or wealthy donors. In fact, most of the work of […]